A series of annoying events ...

Safe to say that all model-painters and model-makers have moments like these, so I know it's not the end of the world, but I'm venting a little here mainly because I just managed to sort them out. So maybe I'm documenting how I dodged a couple of bullets.

Firstly an older miniature with a small hand, which I was conscious of being easily snapped off ... but still managed to snap off. Yup. A real pain. It didn't help that there was barely any meat to drill into to pin it. BUT I just about managed it. As a billy bonus, I didn't stab myself with the pindrill either.


As you may be able to see in the photos, I twisted some copper wire strands to make the pin, rather than my go-to floral wire or paperclip. With the glue, I'm reasonably happy with the result and light taps give me confidence that it's good to go (and get undercoated and painted!)

And so tiny crisis one is done then another appeared. This one was mostly my fault (sort-of). Someone purchased one of my terrain pieces the other day - a small grassy pond - and getting down from the storage shelf I noticed that the water seemed a little dull; like it had been coated with semi-matt varnish. I remember it being a little off when I finished it, but I was still unhappy when I saw it. So I thought ... I have a plan that may or may not work. And that was to do another small pour over the current resin.

This could go well ... or not so well. As of writing this post, however, it seems to have worked. Again, you can see from the photos (couldn't find any of the previous look, but think 'a lot duller') that the water in nice and clear and set solid. Hopefully another lesson learned and another BB missed.


nb. new resin used for this second pour; Teexpert. Amazon.

In other news, I intend to post an update on my Strontium Dog commission, with some real beauties in the mutant mercenary department!


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