Operation Waterfall ...

Well, this post sort-a, kinda-a flows on (eh? see what I did there) from the last one, in as far as my adventures using resin more regularly. Having managed to salvage a misted pond I'd made, I wanted to make a more competent version of a waterfall I made a while back and cringe a little how I let it go.
    At the time, I was reasonably happy with it, but the more I saw of it, the more it made my teeth itch. But I still liked to overall look of the piece ... just the water aspect annoyed me*.

So I dug out the styrofoam and card and set about making another one. But thought I'd keep this one a little more compact and - dare I say - simple. Although this one does have two falls, albeit smaller.
    I don't want to completely dump on the previous resin I used, but this second brand (Teexpert) just seems to be playing a little easier with me.

    I also used some more of the AK Still Water ... which I can't make my mind up over. I've used it in thin coats with only meh effect and thicker coats with failures. This time I mixed varying amounts of baking powder to make some sludgy clumps as foam at the bases of the waterfalls. Here it seemed to work quite well. In this sense it could also work as a useful thawing snow effect? Anyway, it uses some of the stuff up and I was pretty happy with the effect. Not super realistic, but not a bad look for the overall aesthetic.


To sum-up; I was MUCH happier with letting this piece go. Phew.

Next I plan of dipping my toe (yeah, I know. Sorry) into deeper pours and trying to add some simple lighting. But THAT is for another time and post.

*If you happen to be reading this, Annie; I'm still happy to get that sorted!


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