The Good, The Bad (Squiddo) and the Dervish

Having become ever more frustrated with Facebook and its regular talent of making even the simplest of tasks a chore, I'm (once again) determined to post more stuff here on the humble blog. I know that it really doesn't get the same number of views as Facebook, but if people stumble upon this ramshackle excuse for a blog and like the pictures and forego the ranting, I'll be more than happy.

Right. Stuff. While this particular post will be a bit of a mess, with models from a selection of recent projects, I do intend to post more concise posts as I go on. But in the past few weeks I've completed a small commission of four Adventure models for #Badsquiddogames, topped-up the shop with some Stargrave Crew figures and started a chunky commission of 2000ad Strontium Dog models. So, as you can see, a real selection.

As a side-note, I've dipped my toe into the use of resin for some of my basic terrain pieces. I'll post more about that another time, for now here are the models ...

Mystic, Wizard, Thief and Adventurer

Fly's-Eyes Wagner, Dervish Dog and the Stix Brothers

Stargrave Crew (from Crew II set)

Stargrave Crew (from Crew II set)


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