Contrasting May Queens ...
Very quick post here, just to show orf a slight variation I made to a pack of May Queens from Bad Squiddo Games. Having already painted a set in a traditional folksy style, with off-white gowns and flower garlands in their hair, I thought it would be interesting to paint another set with a more occult dark look to them. I didn't want to be too cliche and go outwardly satanic, but certainly strange, maybe other-worldly.
As you can see, I also carefully straightened the staff on one of the figures and added some flames with green-stuff. Nothing outstanding, but I'm reasonably pleased with the result.
Part of me wanted the skin tone to be a little more soft grey blue than it turned out, but, again, I quite liked the result.
Anyway, that it really. Very short post on how a different colour scheme can change the nature of a model. And I know I'm somewhat biased, but these sculpts lend themselves so easily to variation when it comes to painting. Highly recommend picking up a pack.
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